Precious Memories

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Firsts

Today we had our Billie over to eat Sunday Dinner with us. As we got ready for prayer Tadd said "Sadie fold your arms." And SHE FOLDED HER ARMS!!! Oh-my-crazy!!! She has never-ever folded her arms before, so she sat there during the prayer for a few minutes with her little arms folded!!

Of course it could be a total fluke, which it probably is......but it was great. We just all looked at eachother with wide eyes and continued on with the prayer! These are the moments that make life complete. I so love being a mommy!


Brook & Travis said...

Yeah, you have a blog!!! It's been a fun way to keep a journal and great way to keep in touch with people for me! Master's?? You are AMAZING! How's it going? I love the story about Sadie folding her arms, precious moment. So when are you up for getting together? Let me know!!

Kaesy said...

How happy am I that you have a blog? Even if we never do talk, at least I'll know what's going on with you and I can still tell people we're friends. Totally love ya. Sadie is gorgeous. Can't wait to see more of her.

Kevyn said...

Oh, how cute, I wish I could have seen Sadie fold her arms. I can only imagine how darling that was. I'm glad you had mom over for dinner. I took her a big plate of roast dinner over Sunday night also. So if she looks a couple of pounds heavier next week, we will know why!

Lyndy Butler said...

Kara! This is so weird! I was thinking about you today and then I happened to find you...
I was thinking about you and Drums. I teach a little percussion class at my summer camp and I was thinking that I need your skills!
You should come teach a class! I seriously would love it!
Your little Sadie is such a babe!
Tell Tadd Hi!!!