Precious Memories

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Sadie!!!

Wow!! What a week it has been! We picked up my mom (Grandma Janet) from the airport on Tuesday. We are so excited to have her here so she can spend some special time with Sadie. It's been so much fun watching the two of them together. They clearly adore eachother! Sadie warmed up to her grandma right away and by the night was giving her "love pats" and her special "open-mouthed" kisses. (She doesn't give these away to just anyone!)

Sadie's Birthday was just perfect! We began the day with her last swimming lesson of the session. It was extra fun because the only people that showed up for it was Sadie & Molly!! (Brielle's girly) They were so very cute together and since it was just the four of us we got some great pics and footage. Taddy Daddy even took Sadie down the huge water slide. She loved it!!

Later that night we had a little bash for the Birthday girl and it was so much fun to have all the cousins & relatives together. It was extra special to have my own mom there to share it all with us. Sadie totally knew she was the "main" attraction. She thrives on attention and people around her. She loved opening the presents with the cousins, but just wanted to play with the toy she got. She didn't realize we had to keep things moving so that all the kiddos could go swim. We took the cake/ice cream over to the pool so that everyone could enjoy swimming as long as possible.

What a wonderfully perfect day. I just can't believe our little girl is one!! What a great year it's been. She has added so much to our lives. We love and adore her every move. We are so thankful for her and for all of our family! We love you!!

~Grandma Janet, Kara & Sadie~

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It Happened!!!!

On Tuesday, July 15th Sadie's first tooth finally popped through!! Monday was kind of a sad day for her. When she was eating I noticed a hole in her gums! It was so weird. The next day that hole was filled up by the point of her first tooth. Two days later her second tooth poked through. We're so glad that we can now begin giving her some different food! She's still having fevers and sometimes feeling a little sad, so we're not sure if she's got more on the way or what.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Swimming at Gunlock

We had the best time ever swimming at Gunlock. This was Sadie's first experience at the lake and she soaked up every minute!! She loved all of the different textures and climbing opportunities. She was a little unsure of the feel of her feet sinking in the mud, and the taste of the sand, but loved making mud pies and splashing in the water.

Ody sure had a great time too. We played fetch and he swam and swam like a champ. We were the only ones at the lake so he had free reign to run wherever he wanted. He was in his glory as we all were. What a great day together with our little family and we still have the sand in our teeth to prove it!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July Fun

We had such a fun 4th of July! We went up to Maggie's for a BBQ then headed up to Brian Head for the fireworks. It was so perfect. While it was 100 degrees in St. George we were needing sweatshirts and blankets to enjoy our fireworks! It was such a fun atmospere with live music, bon-fires, sparklers, pine trees, treats and family.

We weren't quite sure how Sadie was going to react to it all, but she was so tuckered out that she slept through it all!! Admittedly I had blankets on both sides of her ears to help block out the loud noises.

We were so thankful that the dogs didn't freak out this year too. Last year they were so terrified it was so sad. So, a great 4th---can't wait to do it again next year!

The Claflin's Are Back!

We are so thankful to have Amy back in Utah with her cute little family. We went to Pleasant Grove to see their beautiful new home, and what a blessing it is!! It's right up against the mountains and Amy said it's her dream home. Way to go Amy!

After swimming at the pool we all went to Chucky Cheese for some lunch and had a great time together. Sadie was just loving the "eye candy" everywhere she looked!

Baby Konrad Gunther

Last weekend we went up to Provo to see our new family addition. Austin and Sarah had their little baby Konrad and it was so much fun to meet him! We all met over at Kurt and Celene's for some taco's and family fun. It was crazy to see Sarah's parents there because we grew up with them in Michigan and my mom is actually pretty good friends with her dad. So it was fun to share old memories.