Precious Memories

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Haircut

I'm beginning to realize that this may just become a Sadie Blog!! It seems that she is what happens to be interesting these days!

Today was Sadie's First Haircut!! We only cut about an 1/8 of an inch off, but I still saved her precious locks for her baby book! I heard that if you cut their hair it will help it grow in thicker. It was starting to look a little straggly on the ends. I've been putting it off because the tips/ends of her hair are jet black. It's her newborn hair and a part of me just wanted to keep it there forever!! But I'm all about a healthier set of hair I guess.

We had the camera all ready to document our big undertaking......but it seemed as though no one had a free hand!! It took all we had to get her to sit still long enough to make one little snip at a time! But she was a good girl, and amazingly enough her hair curled under at the bottom! Really strange---but cute!!


camtaysmom said...

gotta love it! my mom was just telling me about sadie's rock-star hair the other day. our first haircuts for the boys were hectic, too. don't even know where cam's locks are, and taylor's are in a baggie on the counter somewhere. time to dig through the piles! love your blog, little mama! love you!