I am on Christmas break, so I'm taking this opportunity to catch up on the few months that I've missed out on a little computer time. So, even though it is January, these pics are from the middle of October 2008.
I desperately wanted to take Sadie to a pumpkin patch now that she was bigger, and we discovered that Stahli's had a few fun things open to the public. There were lots of animals, a slide that went into a bin of corn kernals, a little tractor ride, music, food and of course pumpkins!!
Sadie was timid at first, but then got into the animals. She pointed every which way saying "ooh, oooooh, ah" and all her other excited little sounds. She dared to touch the lambs, chased chickens and proudly said "Duck!" as she pointed to the ducks. This was the first time she had seen a real duck (actually a goose) so I was surprised she made the transition from picture/toy to reality so well. She was intrigued by the ducks, but their loud honking scared the bee-jeebes out of her!
Her very favorite place was the corn kernal bin. She stayed in there for so long watching the kids come out of the slide and playing with the corn. She threw a fit every time I tried to get her out, so we decided since we weren't on a time frame that she could just stay and enjoy her new little experience. We did make it to the pumpkin patch by way of a tractor ride. The field was very picked over, which was ok pumpkin hunting wise---but I was hoping there would be more for her experience. It's much more spectacular when you see a huge patch.
As a kid we lived on a farm and had a pumpkin patch. We used to put a stake in the ground with our name on it "claiming" our pumpkin as it continued to grow. So, of course I wanted Sadie to have some of the same exposure/memories of pumpkin patches.
We stayed for hours enjoying each area of animals more than once. It was a perfectly enjoyable family outing. We are a happy family!!

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