Saturday, January 3, 2009
Laughlin, Nevada
Posted by Tadd & Kara at 2:05 PM 4 comments
Merry Christmas
Posted by Tadd & Kara at 1:38 PM 1 comments
Our Sweet Sadie
- She got another tooth (now she has 5!!)
- She climbs to new heights
- Loves babies and to give them "ba-ba's"
- Dances so cute to music
- Loves yogurt
- Very independent
- Tries to put her pants on
- Constantly takes socks off
- Chases the dog and the cat
- Sings: A-B-C, and then adds in the P when we get there
- Rides a little bike
- Says lots of new words-moon, star, bath, Santa, scissors, no, bird, turtle, kitty, mommy (finally!) and tries to repeat the words you say. ( gotta be more careful now!)
- Throws really really neat fits when she's tired and can't have her way--kicks, screams, cries, hits, pinches.....ooooh boy we're in for it!
- Gives hugs and kisses
- Says bye-bye and hello all day. Even if she hears a phone ring on TV
- And Tadd wanted me to add that she thinks its hilarious to "pass gas" she laughs and laughs--wonder where she ever learned that from??
**Little story: Sadie and I were in the bathroom stall together and the lady next to us "passed gas". It's embarrassing enough I'm sure, but then Sadie started to LAUGH!!! I'm sure the lady's embarrassment accelerated pretty quickly. Let's just say she waited for us to leave before she dared come out!
Posted by Tadd & Kara at 12:57 PM 0 comments
The Winnie
Tadd and I both love the outdoors and to camp. Some of our best memories as kids were of campfires, marshmellows, and nature all around. Tadd spent most of his camping career in a Camper Trailer, which I've always wanted--especially since the most advanced I had gotten was a multi-room tent!

Posted by Tadd & Kara at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Christmas is coming!
After Thanksgiving we pulled out all the Christmas decorations and put up our tree. Sadie had a blast pulling everything out of the boxes and checking it all out.

Posted by Tadd & Kara at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. We had heard that the Lodge in Zion National Park served a yummy Thanksgiving feast, so we decided to check it out this year.

Posted by Tadd & Kara at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Happy Halloween
This Halloween was so much more fun with Sadie than last year when I dressed her in a duck outfit and she slept in the bouncy chair as I handed out candy.

Posted by Tadd & Kara at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Stahli Farm

Posted by Tadd & Kara at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Playin' at the park
We've been having such a great time taking Sadie and Ody to the park. Sadie is such an independant little girl. She now (Oct. 2008) climbs up all the stairs and goes down the slides by herself. She says "weeeeeeeeee" as she goes down and is just full of smiles and pride in her accomplishments. We love watching her run around and have a great time. She loves to be outside experiencing all the world around her.
Posted by Tadd & Kara at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Stephanie Got Married!!
Posted by Tadd & Kara at 9:35 AM 2 comments