We had the best time ever swimming at Gunlock. This was Sadie's first experience at the lake and she soaked up every minute!! She loved all of the different textures and climbing opportunities. She was a little unsure of the feel of her feet sinking in the mud, and the taste of the sand, but loved making mud pies and splashing in the water.
Ody sure had a great time too. We played fetch and he swam and swam like a champ. We were the only ones at the lake so he had free reign to run wherever he wanted. He was in his glory as we all were. What a great day together with our little family and we still have the sand in our teeth to prove it!
key, we had the best time ever at the lake. lets do it again. we love u. tadd sadie and ody
That looks like so much fun! Where did you get that darling swim suit. I lub it so much! K what time do you want us to be at your house?
adobe photoshop is what i use. I am still figuring it out, but its fun. Swimming lessons will be great- It will be even better since both Molly and I will have a buddy. We will swing by at like 10 15 or right before- is that okay?
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