Precious Memories

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Here it goes!

Here's the family update to get us started~

Tadd is the happiest ever with his new job driving school bus #304, he had a great year with his kids and they even clapped for him on the last day. They just adore we all do, how could you not?!! He will drive two days a week during the summer for special needs kids.
(yes--it will be a SHORT BUS!!) lol

Sadie has just been the best blessing of all time! She has made our lives so full of love & laughter! She is so funny, we pretty much just sit around and watch her! She now is getting into everything! She crawls at full speed, opens drawers, cupboards ect. and is quick to empty them. She holds on to furniture, people or whatever and toddles along while holding on. (we're expecting her first step any day.) She babbles non-stop, laughs a lot and has even learned to do the "courtesy laugh." She still waves, but will now do it on command when someone is going "bye-bye." She knows where everyone's nose is and her own and loves to point and say what sounds like "look" or "look it." She LOVES books. She will sit for so long in her room just going from book to book. She is such a joy and we are so incredibly grateful for her sweet spirit in our home.

We are also so very thankful for our Billie across the street. We just don't know what we'd do without her company and support. She has been our second biggest blessing! She tended Sadie EVERYDAY during the school year....and not to mention they were split shifts!! There is no way I could've gone back to teaching if it hadn't been for her willingness to serve. I guess her reward is maybe how much Sadie adores her! They could just play and laugh for hours, they are just the best of friends. There really is no better image than watching Sadie being chased on hands and knees by Grandma Billie! Its been so fun having her so close, we just adore her and are so grateful to have her in our everyday lives---she is a ray of light to all.

As for me, school is out for the school year, but I've begun my own schooling. I'm beginning the Master's program----so here we go!! I'll be taking four Graduate classes this summer. I'll be finished with them in June, so I'll still have four full weeks of bliss with my little Sadie girl & Taddy Daddy before I go back to teaching. Its been four years since I've been in school, but I have quite a few friends from Sunset joining the adventure with me, so I think I'll be ok.

All else is great! We love our family, our extended family and all of our many friends!! We are so blessed and lucky!